Here is the Indianapolis-Marion County City County Building. This houses most of the offices for the local government. Since Unigov, under Mayor Lugar, the city and county essentially act as one. The office of the mayor, city-county council chambers, county clerk and courts are just a few of the offices in this building. After the City County Building you will find the Monroe County Courthouse, in Bloomington.
The City County Building is located just south of the City Market. |
All the windows offered a geat shot, along with the cloudless sky! |
Monroe County, Bloomington, IN. This is where I got the inspiration to do this project. One day in August, my family and I took a day trip to Bloomington. I know the courthouse square in Bloomington is stunning and wanted to capture it. Then, I thought, all 92 county couthouse squares could be jsut as stunning. So, I snapped a few photos in B-Town and the project was under way! |